Elevation Ceremony on 13th February 2020 at Ormskirk Priory RAM
W.Bro Ivan Hicks, Worshipful Commander carried out the Ceremony of Elevation with Bro. Jason Hengler joining the Order.
WC Bro Ivan Hicks with Candidate Bro Jason Hengler
The proceedings got off to a sticky start as Bro. Hengler was delayed by severe traffic hold-ups which caused him to be 45 minutes late. The Lodge filled in time by conducting all of the other business of the night in his absence.
W.Bro Gordon Kay, Acting JW, W.Bro William Cropper, RAMGR, WC Bro Hengler,
W.Bro John Rawcliffe & W.Bro David Rawcliffe, DC
OnceĀ  the Ceremony got underway all went quite smoothly and the Worshipful Commander was ably assisted by the Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro David Rawcliffe explaining the signs and W.Bro John Rawcliffe, who acted as Senior Deacon for the night, explained the Working Tools and the Nine Steps.
A very convivial Festive Board followed with 22 diners enjoying the usual excellent Ormskirk fayre.
Words and pictures by W.Bro. Maurice Evans, PrGM’s Special representative